Getting going with Second Life as a teaching tool

Notes on Secondlife project research into virtual worlds as a communicative device - Division or Synchronization can the person still exist when there is no physical counterpoint? ~ an extension on my PhD thesis - Conversational analysis of chatroom talk

Skoolaborate our blog our wiki

  1. First contact with Skoolaborate came from a visit to MLC School in Sydney 20th August 2007
  2. Introduced the concept to my middle school students (grades 6- 10) - September 7 - 12). Had students write in Moodle what Secondlife was about as an introduction. About three students out of 70 plus had heard of it.
  3. Joined Skoolaborate's Wiki - 11 September
  4. Put write up about Skoolaborate in the mailbox of our headmaster at school.
  5. Skype and phone call 13th September with Westley Field
  6. 14 September - set up a wiki and blog for dwight Middle School students for Skoolaborate

Schools using secondlife other than MLC
Suffern Middle School, Suffern, NY

Other Secondlife Links:


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